Your Community Deserves Men Who Live Free

When a man has something to hide, he can’t lead his family well. He’s unable to care for the people around him and engages his community from a posture of self preservation and protection. He becomes like a wild bull caught in a net.

This is what happens when ​60% of Christian men are viewing pornography on a monthly basis​.

Even if guys in your community aren’t viewing pornography that often, you can’t afford to brush it off. Porn destroys people. It destroys communities.

As Paul says in Ephesians 5:3, “Sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints.” The Christian church should not have the porn epidemic that it has.

Yet it does.

What can we do about it?

Maybe you want to help guys in your community, but you don’t know where to start. You feel overwhelmed and hopeless because you know it’s an issue that must be addressed, but you’re not sure what you can do to help.

That is precisely why we created the ​Live Free Course​.

I was once one of those men bound by the net of lust. I had my own on and off struggle with pornography that I had to hide. But I’m no longer there. I no longer have anything to hide.

Best of all, I am free to fight for family and to engage all of life with confidence and clarity about my role in life, actively living out the purpose God has given me.

I wrote about all of this in my book Live Free, which has sold over 1,000 copies. One pastor shared with me how it was the best book on the topic he had ever read. When men discover that (1) they’re not alone and (2) there is a clear way out, it provides hope for the journey, courage to take it, and lasting freedom along the way.

Most resources focus on behavior modification.

They tend to be filled with tips on as bouncing your eyes, mental manipulation, memorizing scripture, reciting bondage breaking prayers–the list goes on.

But sexuality is extraordinarily complex. It touches every aspect of our being.

Bad behavior stems from a variety of emotional, psychological, and spiritual dynamics in our lives. True transformation doesn’t come by just manipulating our minds. It comes by addressing each dynamic area.

We must explore the hidden messages underneath our unwanted sexual behaviors, identify the pivotal events that spoke those messages, and then invite Jesus to enter those events and heal our souls in light of the brokenness. Within this context, He can replace the false identities we’ve created for ourselves with the Truth of who He made us to be.

Anyone can take this journey. But everyone needs a guide for this journey. That’s why we created the ​Live Free Course​.

The course is entirely self paced. You can make a weekend of it or spread it out over several months.

The process is simple:

  1. ​Preview​ the first lesson for free.
  2. ​Enroll and download the guidebook
  3. Watch 1 video at a time and respond to the discussion questions
  4. Reflect and live-out by returning to key lessons and finding others to share your story with

When you ​enroll in the Live Free Course​, you get access to over $500 of resources:

  • 10 full-length teaching videos ($250 value)
  • 10 discussion guides ($50 value)
  • Participant’s guidebook ($25 value)
  • Full access to resources dashboard ($120 value)
  • Enrollment in ongoing support group ($99 value)
  • How Eroticism Can Heal Your Soul from Unwanted Sexual Expression ebook ($10 value)

Without a guide helping them find the root of their struggle and walking with them in the journey toward sexual wholeness, the men in your community will not find freedom.

You can be that person who walks with them in their journey toward freedom and the ​Live Free Course​ helps guide you in the process. Ultimately, the course gives you:

  • A safe framework for discussing the most shameful parts of our stories
  • Understanding of the early formation that led to bondage
  • Healing that goes beyond behavior modification and leads you through the process of forgiving yourself and others so that you’re free to respond to triggers in new and healthy ways
  • A deep connection with your life’s purpose that guides your way forward into a lifetime of freedom

Your community deserves men who live free. Are you ready to help men find freedom?

And if you’re hesitating because you aren’t sure that you are the right person–maybe you’re still struggling yourself. The Live Free Course course will help you in your journey toward sexual wholeness as well. You, too, can find deeper freedom even as you help others.

P.S. For a limited time, we are offering this course at 30%. You can ​enroll in the Live Free Course​ and begin your journey toward sexual wholeness for just $199/$139. ​Click here​ to get started today.

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I’m a full-time husband, father, Biblical studies student, and author of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. I send out weekly articles offering culturally aware, biblically-nuanced, and Jesus-embodying responses to current-day issues.

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