Why Do Christians Hold So Many Differing Perspectives?

You’ve probably noticed Christians have many different perspectives on things. Why is that? In today’s episode Asher discusses four often overlooked reasons that is and a few thoughts on what we can do about it.

Mentioned in the episode is the forthcoming mini series on discovering the story of scripture. To make sure you don’t miss it, sign up here.

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If you’d like to contact Asher and those at Unfeigned Christianity, you can email podcast@asherwitmer.com.

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Transitional music for this episode has been contributed by Corey Steiner at https://www.coreysteinermusic.wordpress.com. The opening song is Sunset Drive by Evert Z and the closing song is Thank God for You and Me by Chris Mason.

Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

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