What Does Asher Actually Believe about Gender?? (Responding to Questions)

I recently published an article, Is It Sinful to Use “Transgender Pronouns”? In the article, I explored how Rosaria Butterfield recently “repented” from using what she calls, “transgender pronouns.”

Why is she doing that? Should you feel the same way? A few people responded with some questions that I thought were worth responding to in a specific episode. So that’s what we dive into today.

If you wish to read a transcript of this episode, you can do so here.

How do you think we can best build bridges with folks choosing to identify as transgender? You can share in the 0 Comments below.

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I’m a full-time husband, father, Biblical studies student, and author of Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. I send out weekly articles offering culturally aware, biblically-nuanced, and Jesus-embodying responses to current-day issues.

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