Unfeigned Christianity, Episode 003: Stop Blaming Women! A Conversation with Merle Burkholder on Sexual Sin

A few weeks ago I sat down with a long-time family friend and casual mentor of mine, Merle Burkholder, to discuss men taking responsibility for their own sexuality.

If we’re not careful, we can so quickly fall into a blame-shifting mindset when addressing what causes us as men to sin sexually. It’s immodesty, women, culture, my parents–you name it.

But true freedom comes from taking personal responsibility for our own sexuality. True heath within families and churches–or any relationship–can only happen when all involved stop pushing blame and start taking seriously their own responsibility in it all.

I’m excited to share with you my conversation with Merle. One big thing you’ll want to do, however, is be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss any future episodes.

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Music on this podcast is produced by my friend, Corey Steiner, who recently came out with a new album called, The Good Wins at the Last. You can check him out on Spotify, Facebook, or his website here.

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Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.