Live from a Genuine Love for God and His People
Join 90+ other members learning to talk about issues Christians face... without alienating each other.
Enrollments until 14 January 2022
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If you have felt disillusioned by the controversies surrounding issues today, this program provides a safe space for sorting through it all.
I feel your pain. It can be lonely when beliefs are so divided and it can be difficult to know how to apply God's Word in these situations.
There are so many different perspectives on the issues facing Christians today that it’s hard to know what is right or wrong.
Most of us genuinely want to love God and others well but often feel alienated from each other because of how divided the Church is concerning issues we face.
Making matters worse, if someone doesn't feel safe processing issues with people in their church or their family, it leads them to feel even more alienated and isolated.
This can eventually spiral into depression and disengaging altogether, if not dealt with properly.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Christians should be able to sort through issues in a way that doesn’t alienate them from each other and helps them love God and others with genuine love.
At Unfeigned Christianity, we help you understand the issues and sort through them from a biblical perspective so you can live with a love for God and others that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith (1Tim. 1:5).
This program does not take the place of the local church or in-person mentors. It's simply a place to find words for what you're dealing with, answers to difficult questions, and a safe community to figure out how to graciously engage those around you who disagree.
Unfeigned Christianity
Unfeigned Christianity is an online program designed to help you better see the full scope of particular issues facing Christians and how you can navigate them in a way consistent with the Message of Jesus. Through the Unfeigned Christianity platform, you will join a safe community of 90+ people wrestling through similar questions and experiences as yourself.
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Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
We have curated lectures, articles, and workbooks for you to digest at your own pace. These resources are designed to help you (1) find answers to difficult questions, (2) gain a deeper understanding of God's Message, and (3) live from a genuine love for God and others. They are in-depth, but easy to understand. If at any point you need help with a specific situation, we are here for you.
"ASk Me Anything" Responses
Members can submit various questions they have about anything in life.
We then take those questions each month and respond to them in the form of a blog article, video, or podcast episode.
Cultural Analysis
One reason we feel divided over issues we face today is that we don’t always understand them very well.
Each month, we dive into a current-day issue and process how to think Christianly about it. We provide you with resources that help you better understand the issues so you can begin sorting through the different perspectives for yourself.
Exclusive interviews
Part of sorting through issues includes hearing from multiples perspectives.
Every now and then we sit down with someone experienced in processing the issue of focus that month and hear how they've dealt with it themselves.
About Asher Witmer
Asher lives with his wife and children in Southern California where they serve with their local church, LA ROAD. He has been writing and podcasting for more than seven years and has published multiple books including his latest, Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality. Along with writing, he is in the process of obtaining a bachelor's of Biblical Studies degree from Eternity Bible College.
Asher knows how difficult following Jesus can be, but genuinely loves Him and His people. Asher believes everyone wants to love God and others well and desires to help people sort through the difficult aspects of life and faith so they can.
What People Have to Say
Full Access member
One continuous story
I thought of the Bible as a book of God’s principles and laws, especially the Old Testament. And I thought of the Old Testament as history that is so different from our current lives that I had a hard time applying the principles to my life. You helped me see it as one long continuous story relevant to my life today.
Full Access member
Made in the image of God
I like the thought that our creativity is a part of being made in the image of God. This somehow, for me, helps to explain the outpouring of creativity that I often see through what artists have created in, say, visual art music also with written down words and so forth.
Live Free review
Truth about difficult issues
As a single female who struggles with masturbation, this was a key piece in my journey toward healing. It gave me courage to speak up about my story, helped me to understand the root issues behind my struggle, and gave hope for a way forward. Your writing is incredibly honest and speaks truth about an issue that is often thought of as a 'male' problem, but in reality is a struggle that many women face as well. Thanks, Asher!
Program Process
There are three basic phases to Unfeigned Christianity
Those who join walk away with more than information
There's nothing worse than feeling insecure, alone, and unclear. When talking about their overall experience with Unfeigned Christianity...
A safe space to process difficult issues
Discovering they are not alone in their struggles
Greater clarity about how to navigate difficult issues
You also gain access to Finding My Place in God's Story!
One of the main goals of this program is to give you the tools to process issues on your own. This includes helping you find your place in God's story and further discover His Message for yourself.
Finding My Place in God's Story is our premium, 5-module course for learning how to study the Bible, grasp the over-arching narrative of God's Word and see how you fit into it all.
Bible Study Methods
Join a program and explore God's Story for a month. Learn good Bible study methods and experience God's Story for a lifetime!
7 Common Mistakes People Make When Reading Scripture
This eBook walks through seven common mistakes people make when reading scripture and shows you how to avoid making these mistakes in your own personal study.
Bible Study Page Template
This simple, 1-page template provides you with prompts for observing the text, figuring out how to understand what it means, and practically applying it to your life today.
Live with Clarity Workbook
This easy-to-use workbook serves as a guide in helping you process your own story and see more clearly how it is fitting into God's.
What makes Unfeigned Christianity unique
is that we are not going to try and tell you what to believe. Rather, Unfeigned Christianity provides you with the resources and community to process for yourself how to navigate the various issues Christians face today.
It's a place for you to ask questions and receive direct responses, a place to see multiple sides of an issue without others thinking you're going off the deep end just for acknowledging other perspectives.
Most of all, it's a place where we wrestle together on how God's Message informs our engagement with the world today.
Unfeigned Christianity Makes It Easy to Access All the Best Sources
It can take a lot of money and time to access and absorb all the resources made available through Unfeigned Christianity. The Finding My Place in God's Story course alone is worth over $3,500! That's not to mention the library of 200+ articles and videos you gain lifetime access to with a small monthly subscription of Unfeigned Christianity.
Advanced Material
Save 16% with an annual subscription!
Full Access
Save 16% with an annual subscription!
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.
If, for any reason, this program does not meet your expectations, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your initial subscription. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and we'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.
Here’s what others are saying about Asher's work
Asher's passion is helping others reconcile their human experiences with God and His Word so they can love from a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith.

Val Yoder
Pastor, Instructor
Honesty, Empowering
I’m blessed by the honesty and candid way in which Asher shares this truth. It is encouraging to sense the passion and insight God has given him in this writing. I wish I would have had this kind of honesty from someone when I was young. Asher’s work has the potential of empowering a lot of young men.
(Live Free review)

Don Showalter
Blessing, Victory
Though often seen by many of us as curse rather than gift, as shackles rather than wings, Asher helps us to see the blessing and freedom of finding victory in God’s design.
(Live Free review)

Ernest Witmer
Freedom, Truth
The freedom you will experience from taking these truths to heart yourself will be all the evidence you need to convince others of Christ.
(Live Free review)
The purpose of Unfeigned Christianity isn't to tell you what to think or believe, but to provide you with a library of resources for digesting and sorting through various perspectives on your own. We encourage respectful and safe dialogue not only amongst each other, but also amongst the different sources you choose to absorb. Allow the different perspectives to speak to each other, rub shoulders with one another, and bring clarity to what might be a good and consistent understanding of God's Message for how we navigate through the times.
By charging a price for the program, we are able to continue developing resources and improving the over all experience of the program. We understand that not everyone who could really use this program may be able afford it, so if you need any financial assistance feel free to reach out and we will get you the help you need.
The program includes free copies of some of the additional resources we interact with, and you are welcome to purchase any of the others. But it is not required in order to be able to take full advantage of the program.
The great thing about Unfeigned Christianity is that you can take it at your own pace. There are so many helpful articles, videos, and books to digest through the program that we encourage you to set a pace that is reasonable for yourself, whether it be 15-20 minutes a week or 20-30 hours a week. As a member of the program, you have lifetime and unlimited access to the materials.
Live from Genuine Love. Join 90+ other Members.
Download our free guide on navigating relationships during chaotic current events and get started today.
I hope to see you on the inside
Whether you're stopping by for the first time or have been a long-time follower of my work, thanks for giving me the opportunity to share it with you! This program is about providing you with the resources and the community to process for yourself how to navigate the various issues Christians face today. I'm confident it will ease the feeling of alienation and help you live with genuine love!