Understanding Racial Tensions As a Church (w/ Dave & Gert Slabach)

Has your church talked about the racial conflicts of our day together as a body?

My sense is that many pastors and church leaders feel a little overwhelmed at knowing where to start or how to do it well. After all, such a conversation can be extremely volatile, and many of us have strong opinions about the subject.

But for true racial reconciliation to take place, we the church need to be having these conversations. It is in Jesus that the wall of hostility between Jew and Gentile is torn down (Eph. 2:14). How can we model that if we, the church, are not willing to enter into difficult conversations?

I recently had the privilege to sit down with Dave and Gert Slabach and discuss how their church is going about learning to understand racial tensions as a body. Dave is pastor of Faith Mennonite in southern Virginia, and he and Gert share their own journey in letting go of their bias and listening the people of color in their local community.

This episode is super practical. And helpful in knowing how to think Christianly about the issues before us today.

Mentioned in the episode it Gert’s blog article, “What I Think about White Privilege.”

Also discussed is the book, Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation.

For further resources to help in better understanding the racial issues of our day, check out Faith Mennonite’s recommended list (shared with permission), as well as a list of resources provided by Restorative Faith:

  1. Racial Issues Reading and Listening List
  2. Restorative Faith Resource List

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Also, if you’d like to contact Asher and those at Unfeigned Christianity, you can email podcast@asherwitmer.com.

Music on this podcast is produced by my friend, Corey Steiner, who recently came out with a new album called, The Good Wins at the Last. You can check him out on Spotify, Facebook, or his website here.

Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

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