How the Last Year Has Been for Pastors (w/ Rich Schwartz, Dru Lattin, and Jose Sanchez)

It’s been a rough 12 months for the church, and especially for pastors. In this episode, I sat down with a few pastor friends of mine to hear how the last year has been for them.

Part of healing as the body of Christ is going to be listening to those who have devoted their time and energy to shepherding the flock.

Mentioned in the episode were Dru on FacebookRich on Facebook, and That Jesus Podcast (anywhere podcasts are found).

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Music on this podcast is produced by my friend, Corey Steiner, who recently came out with a new album called, The Good Wins at the Last. You can check him out on Spotify, Facebook, or his website here.

Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

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