The Secret to Writing Well

There’s nothing mystical about writing well. Anyone can do it, and anyone who does it long enough, meaningful enough, and public enough begins to influence others. All you have to do is put one word after the other. That’s it!

Many gifted, eloquent people never write because they fail to discipline themselves at the practice. That’s why I’m introducing a writing challenge. We need more excellent writers. But we won’t get any unless we start practicing.

I challenge you to take a few minutes every day for two weeks straight and write 500 words. That’s it! Five hundred words. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar, just write. If you can do that each day for two weeks, I guarantee you will be a much better writer than you were at first.

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Why I Write (and how you can too)


Not everyone is a writer; but my guess is many of you are, you just don’t know it yet.

Either you’ve never taken the time to try or you don’t know where to start. You see writing as something done by really gifted wordsmiths (or those who enjoyed school). But that’s not what defines whether or not someone becomes a writer. What defines writers from non-writers is that writers are constantly practicing their craft.

That’s why I’m introducing my own writing challenge. If you would like to test the waters of writing, or if you already are a writer and want to take it to the next level, I challenge you to take a few minutes every day for two weeks straight and write five-hundred words.

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