3 Personal Reflections on A Woman’s Role in Church


A few posts back, I asked the question “Do we have a male-dominated expression of faith?” Particularly, has the Anabaptist subculture neglected to make space for women to put into practice their faith in active and engaging ministry? In this post, I’m going to share a few thoughts I have as I observe Scripture and what it says about women and their role in the church.

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Lust Isn’t Just a Man’s Problem

The last few articles I’ve been releasing mini glimpses into the content of my upcoming book Live Free – making sense of male sexuality. The book is a conversation about my own journey and what it means to live sexually whole and free as a man. This book is for men, by a man.

But I wanted to pause and acknowledge that lust isn’t just a man’s problem. Women struggle with it too.

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When You Need to Define Your Relationship


What if you find yourself in a relationship where you both connect, it seems as though you both like each other, but you’re not sure. How do you know if the other wants more? And if you’re the girl, how do you go about finding that out? Should you have a “define the relationship” talk?

In this post I share a few pieces of advice, from my experience, that I believe can be incredibly helpful to those caught in this kind of situation.

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