How I Keep My Sanity While Staring at the Road Every Day


We’ve been doing a lot of driving lately, and I’ve been listening to quite a few podcasts. I don’t know if you get into podcasts much, but I love listening to them. When I’m not driving through three States in one day, I listen to them while washing dishes, sorting email, cleaning my office, mowing lawn, or picking the lint out of between families toes. Actually, I don’t do that last one. But if I did, I’d listen to a podcast while doing it.

It may or may not surprise you what all I listen to. I like learning about business, marketing, writing, theology, productivity, faith, mystery and missions. This list resembles a smattering of each, and certainly aren’t listed in any particular order. Here are some of my favorites:

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Still, My Soul Be Still

We are in the middle of moving from Chiang Mai to Los Angeles via New York City. We landed at JFK on June 1st, and hit the westward road June 17. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with friends and family and seeing the great landscapes of the United States.

Unfortunately, while visiting my grandparents in northern Illinois, we got word that Teresa’s cousin, Sheldon Bacher, was killed in a car accident. We had just seen him a couple days before! Sudden, tragic deaths like this jerk the heart so deeply–it’s numbing. Words can’t sympathize… this isn’t how life is supposed to be! We turned around and headed for South Carolina to grieve with the family and share in their loss. As I drove, today, a song that became meaningful to me over the time of my Mom’s death kept running through my mind, so I thought I’d share it here.

“God, you are our God! And we will trust in You and not be shaken.”

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