While We Wait for the Return of the King


The Christian’s greatest emphasis while “watching and waiting” for the return of King Jesus should not be on figuring out dates and events that will take place in the end times. Rather, it should be remembering the redemption story, watching for the full restoration of creation, and participating in the work of restoration by living holy and godly lives.

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The God Who Scares Us

Many millennials are wanting to understand God’s Spirit better. I think that’s wonderful. But I also think some of us expect our discovery of Him to radically change something about Christianity. And maybe it will. I don’t know. I just know there are many thoughts and ideas about the Holy Spirit, and not all of them seem in-line with Scripture.

But ignoring Him, not facing the possibility of having our perspective of God rattled and reshaped, is not an answer. That only limits our understanding of God, and therefore, our relationship with Him.

So, I’ve been going back to Scripture and trying to understand the Holy Spirit from God’s perspective, not from what I’ve heard and been taught before. As a part of this process, and in helping other discover God at a deeper level, I will write out what I’m finding.

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Do Not Resist the One Who Is Evil, But…


For too long the church in America has walked under the intoxication of militarism. We’ve been duped into believing that it is our responsibility to protect our lives on this earth, whether by providing churches with armed security guards or by preaching a gospel compatible with materialism and the building of wealth.

But this is not the way of Christ. Not as laid out in Scripture, at least.

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A Theology of Death


God has a story for us through death, I’m convinced. In my own wrestling and journeying I’ve begun studying, for myself, to find what God is saying. I’d like to share briefly what I am learning about God and death.

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What I Got Wrong about Theology

Have you ever felt that Christians are more concerned about right and wrong beliefs then they are about being one with Christ?

I used to think the problem was that we focused too much on theology. All the different terms—soteriology, ecclesiology, eschatology, Calvinism, Arminianism, and so on. Most of them made no sense to me and I couldn’t figure out why people spent so much time debating over which ones were right.

So, I said once that we as Anabaptists focus too much on theology and not enough on relationships. Having said that, I’ve pondered it a lot and have concluded I was wrong.

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Do You Agree with Every Book You Read?


Is it okay to learn from a book if the author has beliefs we’re not sure are Biblical?

I often refer books to my friends even though I have yet to read a book where I fully agree with the author. There is nothing worse the someone condemning a book who has not actually read it, or is not familiar with what the author teaches. Unless the author or speaker makes a significant theological or doctrinal error in his teaching, I think we benefit from hearing what they have to say.

I can’t promise that they won’t need discernment as they read the books I suggest, but there are a few thoughts I try to keep in mind that I believe can help all of us test authors in a healthy way.

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