What “All Things Work Together for Good” Really Means


People often quote Romans 8:28 when tragedy strikes. And while we can look at other parts of the Bible and see that God can work tragedy for His glory and use it for good, I do not believe we are being fair to the message God is speaking through Paul here in Romans. In fact, I will go so far as to say what Paul is talking about has nothing to do with tragedy. It might actually have more to do with porn.

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Why You Lie to Your Friends about How You’re Really Doing


One of the keys to freedom from porn is connecting with others, being ruthlessly honest with them. As long as I am connecting with people who love me, love Truth, and have the guts to stick with me through thick and thin and confront me when needed, I find increased victory.

But even if I know I am not the only one struggling with porn, if nothing seems to work in helping me get free I still won’t talk with others about my failures. Let me explain what I mean.

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Lust Isn’t Just a Man’s Problem

The last few articles I’ve been releasing mini glimpses into the content of my upcoming book Live Free – making sense of male sexuality. The book is a conversation about my own journey and what it means to live sexually whole and free as a man. This book is for men, by a man.

But I wanted to pause and acknowledge that lust isn’t just a man’s problem. Women struggle with it too.

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You Are Not the Only Man Struggling with Lust

I sat in a circle of guys sharing about moral struggles and wondered if I had done and seen things others hadn’t. Was I worse? Was I messed up in a way nobody else was? These guys weren’t being too specific about the way they “faced temptations” or “struggled with thoughts,” and my life was very specific about horrible things. I felt hopeless, afraid to be honest with others. But when I started sharing my story, I found out I wasn’t the only one. Neither are you. Here’s how I know.

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The Day Every Man Wishes He Could Undo


Every man who has stumbled into pornography wishes he could undo that day. That is, he wishes he could rid himself of the guilt and shame he feels, the inability to look people in the eyes without having anything to hide. I know what it’s like. I’ve been there. This is my story. Only, it’s simply part of my story–just the beginning. It’s the part that must be told if you are going to believe me when I say victory is possible.

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My Boyfriend Struggles with Porn, What Should I Do?

What if you’re dating right now and your guy is looking at porn? What should you do?

I’ve been one of those addicted to pornography. I am also one who is free, today. Telling my wife-to-be the story of failure was the most difficult thing I’ve done. Yet, it was also really healing.

So, in an effort to help couples navigate their own relational turbulence, especially when it involves sexual sin, here are a few things I suggest you do if your man, the guy you deeply care about, is hooked on porn.

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When You’ve Messed Up Your Life with Porn


I was thirteen when I first looked up pornography. There was a three-day period when I didn’t care whether it was right or wrong—I fully indulged. Calculating times when I knew people wouldn’t be around, planning my strategy for searching, worshiping, and retreating.

But then I got caught. And once I knew I couldn’t get away with it, when I realized how violating my “acts of worship” were, I felt engulfed by shame.

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Why You Don’t Talk about Your Problem with Porn


A recent study reveals that 54% of born again Christian men confess to viewing porn monthly. More than half. It also showed that 97% of all men have seen pornography at some point in their life.

The interesting thing is that 1 in 3 women also struggle with pornography. It’s not a just a male issue. But in general, we keep it hidden to ourselves. We don’t really talk about it with anyone, which causes us to further struggle.

There is a reason you don’t talk about your problem with porn. It doesn’t mean you are bad or ungodly, it means you’re normal. But don’t let it hold you back from finding freedom.

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