Is It The Holy Spirit, Or Just Me?


We have dreams or thoughts that they feel like revelations, but their meaning alludes us. We feel confused and lack confidence in what God has spoken to us. What’s frustrating about this is that Christians should be able to tell when God is speaking to them. Why does it seem so hard, at times? Here are a few things my wife and I are learning that help us better discern when God actually is saying something to us.

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The “F” Word


Forgiveness is almost like a swearword in Christianity. We spit it at people as the solution for any kind of relational problem. And probably because it is. However, those of us who have had that word spat at us likely resent it because we don’t really know what forgiveness means. When we remember how God forgives us, we can find it in our hearts to forgive others. And that releases us from bitterness, and bitterness drives lust.

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