Cynicism, sarcasm, mockery, strife, and unrest have for too long described the average Christian discourse on social media. Don’t you think it’s time that grace and peace do instead?
Tag: Paul
Why Honoring Governing Authorities Was Important to Paul
Our honor of governing authorities pricks their conscience about how faithful they are governing.
On the Sunday After Black Friday
Black Friday shoppers aren’t the only people who may have taken their eyes off of Jesus.
Church: a community of broken people growing together
We have been invited into a movement of people coming from diverse types of backgrounds and ethnicities. We’ve been called to join a people whose hearts and generational narratives are getting completely rewritten as God unites us all as one family in Jesus Christ.
What “All Things Work Together for Good” Really Means
People often quote Romans 8:28 when tragedy strikes. And while we can look at other parts of the Bible and see that God can work tragedy for His glory and use it for good, I do not believe we are being fair to the message God is speaking through Paul here in Romans. In fact, I will go so far as to say what Paul is talking about has nothing to do with tragedy. It might actually have more to do with porn.
What happened that causes us to wrestle with lust and pornography? Why is it that we experience pain and sometimes hurt others, ourselves? Because we have chosen to listen to another person’s voice instead of God’s.
But instead of giving us what we deserve (death), God has taken personal responsibility for restoring us back to His original design. He’s done something reckless, in our human way of looking at it. Without it, we have no hope.
How to Know You Are in a Good Church
Have we made church more complicated than it needs to be?
On one hand, we want a church full of life, one where the people are authentic and genuinely love each other. On the other hand, there are plenty of things we don’t want in a church, such as external rules, competition, and controlling leadership.
But what if none of this is what matters when it comes to knowing you are in a good church?
Can a Church Last without Rules?
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