Everybody Has a Story to Tell and It’s Not the One They’re Writing


I used to think God wanted me to write a great story with my life, but I’m learning He actually wants me to be a part of His.

Nobody plans to fail. No one counts on having their dreams broken, hopes dashed, or loved ones lost. In our ideal picture of life, everything always goes well. And why not?

We expect great things in life: close friends, happy marriages, connected families, fulfilling jobs, effective ministries. God says he has great plans for us of prosperity and good fortune. Why shouldn’t we aim for greatness?

What we don’t expect is God ruining our story.

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“I’m sick and I’d like to feel better. Do I worship my health?”


Prayer meetings across our nation are deteriorating, while health campaigns are increasing. Something is out of order. There is no doubt that we value our health and wealth, and the emotions that surface when they are threatened expose the fact that we value it more than we should.

But what about those who do struggle with chronic illness? If you are living in constant pain, is it wrong to seek relief? What does it mean to seek first the Kingdom of God when you are faced with chronic pain?

It seems to me that those who have struggled at length with health issues understand something about God that the rest of us don’t. What is it? What do they know that we don’t? What do they have that we don’t have?


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Does God Really Work All Things Together for Good?

Three years ago this morning I woke up an excited groom-to-be. Dad and I were going to have breakfast together and have a much needed father-son talk, if you know what I mean.

Our family was staying in the basement of some friends in Canon City, Colorado, where my fiancée lived and our wedding was going to be held. I went out to the living room that morning to have personal devotions. I was tired and doing my best to be “spiritual.”

Mom woke up around the same time and came out to the living room, as well. After a few minutes, she broke the silence and asked how Teresa and I were doing. I remember feeling slightly annoyed—”I’m meeting with God, can’t you see?”

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Everybody’s Got A Wound

Telling a story about how my Dad hurt me feels like turning in my best friend for stealing. I care more about him than any other man on earth.

Yet, at the same time, I have been at odds with him more than any other person. Not just because he hurt me. I’ve rebelled against him, too. But an older friend once helped me realize how all the rebellion goes back to an underlying bitterness towards him.

When I saw that, when I repented and began forgiving him, the chains broke. The wall that separated us began coming down and in the last five years I have experienced an increasingly deeper, and more empowering relationship with him.

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You Don’t Have to Hide Your Pain

If you have ever watched the movie Ragamuffin, you know it is based on the life of singer Rich Mullins. Rich was raised on a farm and was expected to take over the farm when he grew up since he was the oldest in the family.

However, Rich never enjoyed farm work and struggled to learn the ropes. His Dad drank a lot and beat him when he made mistakes. He told Rich that he would never amount to anything.

As a result, Rich spent much of his life trying to prove himself, trying to gain the love and affection of his Dad. When he discovered that he would never receive approval from him, he took that desire to a girl. When she left him, he about went crazy. He felt that everything he touched came apart.

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When Joy Is Touched with Pain

I don’t understand why God took Mom four days before my wedding. Now that our son, Kenaz, is born—she misses that as well. I don’t understand His purposes. But I do know that I can’t place my security in anything or anyone on this world. I can pursue people. I can seek to deeply connect with my family. I can pour my heart into ministering to those God leads across my path, but I can’t place my security in them. That belongs to God. He created me. He designed me. He’s where I’ll find full security and approval. And moments of pain are moments to worship Him. Those moments are reminders to not allow the joys of this earth to dictate us, for they are incredibly shallow in comparison to the joy of relationship with Christ. And one day we’ll see Jesus. He’s the glorious Person of Heaven. He’s what we live for. He’s who we die for. Heaven isn’t about living in eternal luxury; it’s all about living in eternal fellowship with Christ.

If pain keeps my eyes fixed on Him, and if joys of this earth can sometimes distract my eyes from Him, then I really can be thankful when my joy is touched with pain.

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