How does music style play a role in helping us process sorrow, joy, grief, thanksgiving, determination, disappointment, or any emotion we face?
Tag: music
An Anabaptist New York Times Bestseller
What would it be like to walk into Walmart and be able to buy a music CD from a girl wearing a head-covering? Or to have an Anabaptist author publish a NY Times Bestseller?
How do we best serve people?
Think of a restaurant. How does the owner of a restaurant best serve his customers? Does he offer only water because that is healthiest and he wants his customers to be healthy? Maybe he’ll throw in Coke because he knows that if you don’t like water you probably like Coke.
11 Simple Values I Appreciate from My Anabaptist Heritage
Heritage is powerful. God saved Lot because of his family heritage through Abraham. If it wasn’t for Abraham’s intercession, Lot would have destroyed along with Sodom.
Everyone who knows the story of Lot remembers that his family became enemies to Israel. God pronounced judgement on them. The godly heritage of his uncle, which could have been passed on, was destroyed.
Why? Because of Lot’s choices. He chose the better fields, subsequently, “pitching his tent toward Sodom.” (Gen. 13:8-13) He later lived in the city of Sodom and would have gone up in flames with it if it wasn’t for Abraham. (Gen. 18:22-33)
How to Effectively Tell Your Story
What’s your story? Everyone has a story: how they’ve become who they are today. What’s yours? Jerry grew up on the mission field. His parents were so involved in ministry they neglected to invest in him. He wrestled his whole life with feeling like God took his parents away from him and has little desire […]