Transitions and “Intangible” Earthly Possessions


I don’t know about you, but whenever I come to the end of a season, I find myself looking back and evaluating how it went. Did I do my best? Did I grow? If so, what did I learn? What happened during this season that will forever shape my life and my relationships? How am I different because of this season? How has it made me better? What am I motivated to change because of this season? What do I want to carry on into the next season?

These are the questions I find myself compulsively asking during this stage of life. Most of it I write down in my journal. Maybe share with a few close friends. I certainly don’t intend to air it all for the world to see. However, maybe you are also going through transition or have gone through transition. If you haven’t already, you probably will one day, and maybe a few of the musings I have from looking back and evaluating through this transition will resonate with you.

That’s what I plan to blog about during the next couple of months. If I have the time and space, I may develop a few random more in-depth posts on relevant topics and needed discussions. But for now, I’ll relegate those to the back-burner and simply open parts of my journal and share some musings.

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Changes Coming Down the Pipe


Last week was the annual IGo Staff retreat. Plenty of mixed feelings, considering it was our last one. There are many changes coming down the pipe for us. Exciting changes. Scary changes. Just-plain-emotional changes.

We have five weeks left at Victory Christian School. Five more weeks with my students, each of whom I will deeply miss. We leave Thailand on May 31st.

In many ways, it feels as if we are closing the door on a chapter of life. A chapter that feels rather significant to us. Perhaps ten years from now, the past three years won’t seem that overly significant. But for now, they are a huge part of our family’s young life and it is melancholy thinking of these years in Thailand coming to an end. They have certainly been some of the fullest years of our lives so far. (You may see me writing more over the next couple of months about what I’ve learned during this season of life.)

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Peacefully Navigating the Turns of Life


If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world. – C.S. Lewis

Nobody likes change, yet simply living and breathing requires change. There’s no escaping it. That often leaves us grieving what was, fearing what is to come and uncertain about what to be and do in the meantime.

This is where Teresa and I find ourselves right now.

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Reflections of My Time in LA

A couple of months ago my family in LA found out they had to move. So I went home to help for a few days. Only, I surprised them:   What made this move unique is that it was the last place Mom lived. The last house where we enjoyed her company, ate her cooking, and […]

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