Lust Isn’t Just a Man’s Problem

The last few articles I’ve been releasing mini glimpses into the content of my upcoming book Live Free – making sense of male sexuality. The book is a conversation about my own journey and what it means to live sexually whole and free as a man. This book is for men, by a man.

But I wanted to pause and acknowledge that lust isn’t just a man’s problem. Women struggle with it too.

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The Day Every Man Wishes He Could Undo


Every man who has stumbled into pornography wishes he could undo that day. That is, he wishes he could rid himself of the guilt and shame he feels, the inability to look people in the eyes without having anything to hide. I know what it’s like. I’ve been there. This is my story. Only, it’s simply part of my story–just the beginning. It’s the part that must be told if you are going to believe me when I say victory is possible.

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When You Need to Define Your Relationship


What if you find yourself in a relationship where you both connect, it seems as though you both like each other, but you’re not sure. How do you know if the other wants more? And if you’re the girl, how do you go about finding that out? Should you have a “define the relationship” talk?

In this post I share a few pieces of advice, from my experience, that I believe can be incredibly helpful to those caught in this kind of situation.

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20 Things Men Don’t Talk about, but Should


Women like to talk. Men, on the other hand, not so much. I don’t know why God created men and women so differently in this regard.

What I do know, however, is that there a few things men don’t talk about, but really should. At least, if we’re going to experience fulfilling and meaningful relationships with those we lead.

I’ve discovered at least twenty things I tend to avoid talking about but should. Compare your list with mine, then leave a comment adding what else you think we should start talking about.

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Flirting with Lust Has Devastating Consequences

man on laptop late at night

I learned a lesson on a recent trip I took by myself: actions have consequences.

More importantly, sin has consequences. When you and I give in to sin we will face excruciating consequences. Even though we may repent in brokenness, we cannot prevent the consequence of our actions.

I was traveling by myself and I should have known that I would be tempted, but I hadn’t experienced failure for a long time and assumed I’d be okay. Actually, I just didn’t even think about it. Life had been busy at the time, it never once dawned on me that Satan would attack me.

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