Dear Church, Please Stop Idolizing Marriage


Love is not sex. If we believe the gospel, those we are united with in Christ have a deeper familial connection to us than those we are united with through blood. How can we who are married better love brothers and sisters in Christ who are at a different stage in life than we are so they can feel at home in our churches?

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What happened that causes us to wrestle with lust and pornography? Why is it that we experience pain and sometimes hurt others, ourselves? Because we have chosen to listen to another person’s voice instead of God’s.

But instead of giving us what we deserve (death), God has taken personal responsibility for restoring us back to His original design. He’s done something reckless, in our human way of looking at it. Without it, we have no hope.

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My Boyfriend Struggles with Porn, What Should I Do?

What if you’re dating right now and your guy is looking at porn? What should you do?

I’ve been one of those addicted to pornography. I am also one who is free, today. Telling my wife-to-be the story of failure was the most difficult thing I’ve done. Yet, it was also really healing.

So, in an effort to help couples navigate their own relational turbulence, especially when it involves sexual sin, here are a few things I suggest you do if your man, the guy you deeply care about, is hooked on porn.

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9 Ways You Accidentally Make Your Husband Feel Little

I suppose it is only fair, after writing about how we men make our wives feel ugly, that I address how women make their husbands feel little. Not because I want to hit women over the head with how they’re failing us husbands. Rather, just as women can feel ugly from small gestures on our part, we sometimes feel little by seemingly innocent actions from them.

In my last post, I talked about nine ways husbands accidentally make their wives feel ugly. Here I’ll share nine ways wives accidentally make their husbands feel little. As a lady wants to feel beautiful and wanted, a man wants to feel capable and needed. These are nine subtle ways wives undermine their husbands.

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9 Ways You Accidentally Make Your Wife Feel Ugly


Before getting married, I thought being a good husband was about “being ahead of the curve.” In an effort to do so, I devoured as many books on marriage and women as I could possibly find. And I learned a lot!

But there were a many things I never learned about in any of those books. One things was the many ways I accidentally make my wife feel ugly. Maybe one could change the word ugly for small or unwanted, but the point is after five years of marriage I am slowly waking up to the ways I unwittingly make my wife feel like mush.

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What You Need to Know about Romance before Getting Married

couple disconnected

Romance, the way we perceive it at first, like the ecstatic feeling of affection on the first date, or the hot sparks and fireworks that electrify your phalanges at the first kiss—that kind of romance doesn’t work.

Here’s why: Romance then is based on feelings of affection. It’s like being excited for the first time your traveled overseas: the only reason it’s exciting is because it is something new (and because you haven’t experienced many new things, yet).

Those feelings won’t last. They never do.

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Everybody Has a Story to Tell and It’s Not the One They’re Writing


I used to think God wanted me to write a great story with my life, but I’m learning He actually wants me to be a part of His.

Nobody plans to fail. No one counts on having their dreams broken, hopes dashed, or loved ones lost. In our ideal picture of life, everything always goes well. And why not?

We expect great things in life: close friends, happy marriages, connected families, fulfilling jobs, effective ministries. God says he has great plans for us of prosperity and good fortune. Why shouldn’t we aim for greatness?

What we don’t expect is God ruining our story.

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Radical Love: how you can tell a true Christian from a fake one


If God did create, then His plan for my life is the plan that is most fulfilling. Because I am born with a fallen nature, I constantly trying doing life outside of His plan. I need saved. When I am saved, I become a part of a family that far transcends my immediate friends and connections. Experiencing more of God requires my continual engagement with His people.

Creation and salvation are absolutely fundamental for understanding life as God designed. Church, the body of Christ, is a critical part of going deeper with Him. But understanding creation, experiencing salvation, and participating with church are not enough to live a life that truly matters.

True meaning comes from radical love.

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