Why Jesus

cross of christ

We hear about God’s son all our lives and, yes, we can quote verses about who He is and why He came to earth and died and rose again, but it’s easy for the story to become rote and soon the deep, earth shaking truths glide over our heads while our hearts wrestle with the faith conflicts we experience every day while living on this earth.

Too many people are doing okay on the outside, but feel lost when they’re hearts ask scary questions. Questions such as, “Why Jesus?” “Who is God, really?” “Am I truly saved?” and “Have I ever actually known God?” aren’t that acceptable in Christian culture. We’re supposed to have that all figured out. Yet, the more I hear people’s stories, the more I realize many of us—those that look like good Christians—are wrestling with these very issues.

This Easter season I needed to take a look and remember who Christ is, what He did for us, how He did that, and how we can experience Him personally.

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When Joy Is Touched with Pain

I don’t understand why God took Mom four days before my wedding. Now that our son, Kenaz, is born—she misses that as well. I don’t understand His purposes. But I do know that I can’t place my security in anything or anyone on this world. I can pursue people. I can seek to deeply connect with my family. I can pour my heart into ministering to those God leads across my path, but I can’t place my security in them. That belongs to God. He created me. He designed me. He’s where I’ll find full security and approval. And moments of pain are moments to worship Him. Those moments are reminders to not allow the joys of this earth to dictate us, for they are incredibly shallow in comparison to the joy of relationship with Christ. And one day we’ll see Jesus. He’s the glorious Person of Heaven. He’s what we live for. He’s who we die for. Heaven isn’t about living in eternal luxury; it’s all about living in eternal fellowship with Christ.

If pain keeps my eyes fixed on Him, and if joys of this earth can sometimes distract my eyes from Him, then I really can be thankful when my joy is touched with pain.

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