Dear Church, Please Stop Idolizing Marriage


Love is not sex. If we believe the gospel, those we are united with in Christ have a deeper familial connection to us than those we are united with through blood. How can we who are married better love brothers and sisters in Christ who are at a different stage in life than we are so they can feel at home in our churches?

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The “F” Word


Forgiveness is almost like a swearword in Christianity. We spit it at people as the solution for any kind of relational problem. And probably because it is. However, those of us who have had that word spat at us likely resent it because we don’t really know what forgiveness means. When we remember how God forgives us, we can find it in our hearts to forgive others. And that releases us from bitterness, and bitterness drives lust.

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What “All Things Work Together for Good” Really Means


People often quote Romans 8:28 when tragedy strikes. And while we can look at other parts of the Bible and see that God can work tragedy for His glory and use it for good, I do not believe we are being fair to the message God is speaking through Paul here in Romans. In fact, I will go so far as to say what Paul is talking about has nothing to do with tragedy. It might actually have more to do with porn.

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What happened that causes us to wrestle with lust and pornography? Why is it that we experience pain and sometimes hurt others, ourselves? Because we have chosen to listen to another person’s voice instead of God’s.

But instead of giving us what we deserve (death), God has taken personal responsibility for restoring us back to His original design. He’s done something reckless, in our human way of looking at it. Without it, we have no hope.

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When People Leave the Mennonite Church


Most people who have commented on this series so far have strong opinions one way or the other. There is a wide vacuum of people who are silent. People who don’t want to cause conflict. People who, like me, have had a good experience in their Mennonite upbringing, but also see areas of weakness that need radical change. Only, they’re at a loss for how to change it because either they’re written off as a rebel, or their questions and comments are hijacked by people with an agenda for the opposite of the Mennonite tradition.

Allow me, if for a moment, to wrestle aloud with the questions of someone who identifies with his friends who are leaving, but is concerned with whether we’re finding anything better.

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