Discipleship isn’t about getting people to see the way we do, it’s about embodying the gospel with each other.


When you have friends or family making drastic changes and you feel panic or want to change with them, before doing or saying anything, remember that you aren’t saved by your right theology or lifestyle—you are saved by the grace of Christ. You aren’t even saved by your belief in being saved by grace—you are saved by the grace of Christ.

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How to Know You Are in a Good Church


Have we made church more complicated than it needs to be?

On one hand, we want a church full of life, one where the people are authentic and genuinely love each other. On the other hand, there are plenty of things we don’t want in a church, such as external rules, competition, and controlling leadership.

But what if none of this is what matters when it comes to knowing you are in a good church?

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Have You Found Freedom in Your Christian Faith?


How would you describe your experience in the Christian faith? Vibrant, life-giving, transforming, attractive? Or does it feel more shallow, hypocritical, ritualistic, or alienating?

More and more people, today, are becoming disenchanted with denominations. They are weary of the “our-denomination-is-better” mindset, crossing denominational bounds as they look for a fuller sense of truth and faith. They want more than what they experience in church, and whenever anyone wants more, anything else is basically up for grabs.

There is nothing wrong with wanting more. I want more. And I will be concerned the day I wake up not wanting more. But wanting more isn’t enough.

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How Christmas Isn’t Just about a Savior


Two thousand years ago, when shepherds came and bowed down to a newborn baby boy in Bethlehem, they weren’t bowing to merely a savior; they were bowing to a new way of life.

Christmas has become the time of year we celebrate Jesus, remembering His miraculous birth. But if we’re not careful, Jesus gets relegated to just a savior. He saves us from hell, from eternal damnation. Because of Jesus, we have hope beyond this life, right? We will live with God in Heaven, forever! And that is certainly something worth celebrating!

But it’s not the whole story.

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