Two Deadly Temptations Young Influencers Fail to See


If you are an older brother or sister, a husband or wife, a teacher, parent, project manager, writer, speaker, deacon, pastor, coach, person with friends, or anyone that relates with other people, you have influence. As your influence grows, you will face temptations that could destroy you.

In this post, I discuss two particular temptations I have found that we least expect to face when we are young influencers.

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When Everyone Says It’s Wrong


Sometimes a man feels in his heart to do something he doesn’t necessarily know whether is of God or his own ambition. And if he actually does it, many will debate whether it was right or wrong.

When a man communes with God he will have passions laid on his heart that feel an awfully lot like personal ambition, but is indeed from God.

And when he feels that prompting, burden, passion—whatever you want to call it—he must do something about it even if it’s not going to be a popular move.

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Yolo, Shit and Snap–why they don’t gain you influence

Engaging unchurched people is often difficult to do. We churched people use different lingo and different jokes. It’s hard to know how to build the bridge from here to there so “they” can become one of “us”: churched.

Or more importantly, a follower of Christ.

Personally, relating to unchurched people isn’t that abnormal for me. Not that it’s any easier, it’s just that I’ve grown up doing it. I homeschooled all twelve grades, but when I was nine years old I started playing Little League baseball. I played four years of Little League and then got invited by our local public school to play for the Junior High team. After two years of Junior High, I moved up to the High School team. There I played two years on the varsity team—starting center fielder.

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