Should a Divorced and Remarried Couple Really Separate When They Join My Church?


If you haven’t already, it’s only a matter of time until your church faces the question, “Should a divorced and remarried couple really separate when they join the church?” If you’re background is like mine, you typically have taken a fairly strict stand, viewing remarriage after divorce to be living in sin. But is that actually true? Should we really make couples separate?

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Redefining Marriage in an Age of Permissiveness


A well-known Christian author and speaker recently spoke out in favor of gay marriage and homosexual relationships, saying two adults have a right to choose who they want to love, and if they choose to love someone of the same-sex, then the church should help provide marriage support and parenting help. She went on to say that she wants the very best for her gay friends: love, happiness, faithfulness, commitment, and community.

I support her desires for homosexuals. I also want gay people to experience love, happiness, faithfulness, commitment, and community. I agree that the church has not done well in relating with the LGBT community.

But is redefining marriage so they can find those things as they are really the solution? How have we gotten to the place where professing born-again believers value relationships with people above faithfulness in marriage?


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