The “F” Word


Forgiveness is almost like a swearword in Christianity. We spit it at people as the solution for any kind of relational problem. And probably because it is. However, those of us who have had that word spat at us likely resent it because we don’t really know what forgiveness means. When we remember how God forgives us, we can find it in our hearts to forgive others. And that releases us from bitterness, and bitterness drives lust.

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5 Ways My Son Teaches Me How to Be a Better Dad

Two years ago today, my son popped into open air after sixteen hours of labor. What a thrilling moment! And relieving for my wife. We were excited about this new thing called parenting and raising a family together. Kenaz started sleeping through the night quite easily. Around twelve weeks without much difficulty, he slept nine hours […]

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You Don’t Have to Hide Your Pain

If you have ever watched the movie Ragamuffin, you know it is based on the life of singer Rich Mullins. Rich was raised on a farm and was expected to take over the farm when he grew up since he was the oldest in the family.

However, Rich never enjoyed farm work and struggled to learn the ropes. His Dad drank a lot and beat him when he made mistakes. He told Rich that he would never amount to anything.

As a result, Rich spent much of his life trying to prove himself, trying to gain the love and affection of his Dad. When he discovered that he would never receive approval from him, he took that desire to a girl. When she left him, he about went crazy. He felt that everything he touched came apart.

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