Let me answer this question by making three observations and then drawing three conclusions about how to handle theological differences in church.
Tag: conservative anabaptist church
Episode #010: What is a Menno to do when there are no healthy Menno churches to attend?
What is keeping you engaged in the conservative Menno vision/mission? What is a Menno to do when there are no healthy Menno churches to attend? Do all people who attend a church need to hold to the same doctrinal beliefs (outside credal beliefs)?
Dropping Denominationalism and Rediscovering Jesus
Throughout this whole series we’ve been looking at the question “What’s the big deal about being Mennonite?” This whole discussion surfaces primarily because so many are leaving Mennonite churches, today.
But leaving one’s church isn’t only a Mennonite phenomenon. It’s happening nationwide. Contrary to popular opinion, however, people are not necessarily leaving because of biblical illiteracy or because they are throwing out their faith.