Changes Coming Down the Pipe


Last week was the annual IGo Staff retreat. Plenty of mixed feelings, considering it was our last one. There are many changes coming down the pipe for us. Exciting changes. Scary changes. Just-plain-emotional changes.

We have five weeks left at Victory Christian School. Five more weeks with my students, each of whom I will deeply miss. We leave Thailand on May 31st.

In many ways, it feels as if we are closing the door on a chapter of life. A chapter that feels rather significant to us. Perhaps ten years from now, the past three years won’t seem that overly significant. But for now, they are a huge part of our family’s young life and it is melancholy thinking of these years in Thailand coming to an end. They have certainly been some of the fullest years of our lives so far. (You may see me writing more over the next couple of months about what I’ve learned during this season of life.)

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