What You Need to Know about Faith, the Government, and Refugees


I find it interesting how many people thought I was talking about Trump and his ban on refugees when I asked the question, “Can you be a Christian and not accept refugees?”

Perhaps our faith and our patriotism are so intertwined that we think in terms of our government enabling or crippling us from living out what Christ calls us to. When our government prohibits us from doing something, we don’t do it. Or we complain about not being able to do it rather than just living out our faith regardless of the cost.

Why is this? Why can’t we separate ourselves from this earthly kingdom and live for the sole purpose of the Kingdom of God?

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What Will Happen If We Don’t Accept Refugees (and what could happen if we do)


There are more refugees in the world today than any other time since WW2, yet our President has administered an executive order banning refugees from seven prime terrorist countries.

The seven main countries refugees are fleeing from.

I am not concerned about the executive order. We will get into that in the next post. What concerns me is the unwillingness on the part of many followers of Christ to open their doors to those fleeing for their lives.

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3 Reasons American Christians Don’t Want Syrian Refugees (and what to do about it)

Five times a day, the descendants of Ishmael cry before Lord. And God hears it. God hears their cry and calls us, the partakers of the free gift through that one man Jesus Christ, to His answer to their cry and share it with them.

But we don’t go.

Churches in America send one missionary per million Muslims. We are neglecting the call of Christ on our lives as receivers of the abundance of God’s grace and of the free gift of righteousness.

So God is sending them to us.

In droves.

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A Better Way to Solve Gun Violence

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Another shooting happened this past week that directly targeted Christians. While most Christians seem primarily worried about the government restricting their use of arms through gun laws, I’m beginning to ask a few questions.

What if there was a better way to solve gun violence than through politics? I’m conservative, and certainly don’t like the thought of only the government being in control of weapons, but what if all that shouldn’t matter to us as Christians?

One Christian senator encouraged fellow Christians to carry personal weapons for self-defense. How does that line up with following Christ? Jesus healed the man his disciples struck with a sword in defense of Him.

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