What I Love about Pastors

A pastor is someone who shepherds people in the way of Truth. This includes caring for people, preaching the Word, confronting sin, and much more. Specifically, for the purposes of this post, I am referring either to those who the people of a local church have asked to shepherd them, or those who have nurtured new believers and, by default, have become shepherds. In this article, I address what I love about them.

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What I Love about the Church

Today, we know the church primarily as either a building or a group of people gathered together around a common set of ideas. The problem with this view of the church is that it’s incomplete, at best. If not downright unbiblical. As long as we can relegate the church to a building or a group of people who believe certain things and abide by certain guidelines, the church will always be disposable to us. There is nothing intrinsically eternal about a church established around man-made material or beliefs.

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What I Love about Jesus


There are so many people who are disillusioned with church, today. It is easy to get overly focused on the negatives and weaknesses of church that we miss the profound beauty and glory it displays to the world. So, in an attempt to help us regain (or stay focused on) the beauty of the Bride of Christ, I am going to share a three-part series entitled, “What I love about…,” starting with Jesus.

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A Theology of Death


God has a story for us through death, I’m convinced. In my own wrestling and journeying I’ve begun studying, for myself, to find what God is saying. I’d like to share briefly what I am learning about God and death.

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Two Deadly Temptations Young Influencers Fail to See


If you are an older brother or sister, a husband or wife, a teacher, parent, project manager, writer, speaker, deacon, pastor, coach, person with friends, or anyone that relates with other people, you have influence. As your influence grows, you will face temptations that could destroy you.

In this post, I discuss two particular temptations I have found that we least expect to face when we are young influencers.

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