Some Guidance on COVID Vaccines

A couple of years ago, back before COVID existed as we know it today, several readers asked if I’d write about vaccines.

This is perhaps the single-most scary topic I’ve ever been asked to or considered addressing. Scary, because people have extremely emotional perspectives on vaccines. And contrary to what some might think, I don’t like conflict! However, I am willing to enter conflict when it seems doing so can help us grow.

At this point, I am not the person to be writing about vaccines. I have researched the topic myself, and I have listened to many medically trained personnel (on both sides of the issues). But something I have noticed in my learning about vaccines is that the loudest people about them often don’t actually know that much about how vaccines are made. More, they are passionate about a cause (i.e. fighting abortion, finding the root cause of autism or cancer, etc), and they’ve been told or have simply concluded from their own observations that vaccines are a part of the problem. Furthermore, many seem to be unaware of the fact that there are more than one ethical issue at stake with vaccines.

Instead of being another nominally intelligent voice speaking on vaccines, I decided to share what far more knowledgeable people on the subject have already written.

You may remember the article by ViewPoint on Anabaptist Exceptionalism I shared a few months ago. They have developed another article giving some guidance on COVID vaccines. According to their website, ViewPoint was formed in response to repeated calls for help in addressing issues facing conservative Anabaptist leaders.

A number of church leaders asked Faith Builders (Guys Mills) to facilitate the effort. The ViewPoint executive committee includes Steven Brubaker (PA), Merle Burkholder (ON), John Coblentz (PA), Matt Landis (PA), Gary Miller (ID), and David Yoder (KS). Materials produced by ViewPoint are intended to assist and encourage church leaders, not to dictate or control them.

For this article, ViewPoint pulled together a group of medical experts, pastors, and other leaders to address vaccines and the complexities involved with them. To know more about what vaccines are made of and whether you should get the COVID vaccine, I highly recommend reading this article:


I’d love to hear your thoughts after you read it. Feel free to share them in the comments below. Also, consider sharing this article with your friends via email, Facebook, or Twitter.

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