In a culture where divorce and remarriage has become normal, it’s only a matter of time until any church faces the question, “Should a divorced and remarried couple really separate when they join our church?”

My church faces this question all the time, and the answer never gets easier.
What if the couple had five children while they were together, and neither had children in their previous marriages? Are they really supposed to separate? Wouldn’t that devastate the children?
What if the couple divorced and remarried before they came to know the Lord? Is there a difference between divorcing and remarrying when you know it’s wrong and doing it without any knowledge of Scripture?
What about a couple who never married, but lived together for ten years and had several children together? Are they eligible to go marry other people, in spite of having children together?
These questions open a whole can of worms for people who understand Scripture to say those remarried after divorce are living in sin. So what are my thoughts on it? Should a divorced and remarried couple really separate when they join my church?
When I read verses like Matthew 5:32, Luke 16:18, 1 Corinthians 7:11-13 & 39, Romans 7:2-3, Malachi 2:16, it appears that God considers any kind of remarriage after divorce to be adultery. And adultery is sin (Exodus 20:14, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Hebrews 13:4).
However, before we figure out whether or not that means a divorced and remarried couple should separate when they join our church, I’d like to make two observations.
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