If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world. – C.S. Lewis

Nobody likes change, yet simply living and breathing requires change. There’s no escaping it. That often leaves us grieving what was, fearing what is to come and uncertain about what to be and do in the meantime.
This is where Teresa and I find ourselves right now.
It’s hard to believe we are well into our third year here in Thailand. This year at school we have twelve students representing five nationalities. I’m enjoying teaching, although I must admit there are more lessons learned than victories won in the first three years so far. It’s been a good experience for me, that’s for sure!
However, this will be our last year at Victory Christian School. Our last year in Thailand.
Not only will VCS be closing down after this school year, anyway, but Teresa and I have sensed God leading us to take the next step in his calling on our lives. For now, that means more training. There are so many opportunities to get involved in ministry, but I feel an incredible need for more tools before getting too involved.
At this point, we plan on moving back to LA next summer after school ends and attending Eternity Bible College for at least a year, possibly longer. It’s small, and affordable. Their mission is to give people solid Bible training without ending in debt. They have a high view of Scripture and teach the story of God instead of a systematic theology, which is one aspect I really look forward to.
I’m excited to be able to spend some focused time studying. We’ll get to live near my family again and our friends and church in LA. But Teresa and I do both grieve the changes that are about it come. We enjoy it here in Thailand. We’ve spent most of our married lives here, and we’ll miss friends and family, my students, motorbike rides with the boys, and many more things.
Please pray for us as you think about it.
Pray that we can peacefully navigate yet another turn in life. Pray that we can finish well here. Pray that we the details of our move fall into place. And pray that through all the change we can sense God’s presence even more than before.
I will continue writing–Lord willing, more than I do now. I am in the middle of editing my book and hope to have it published in the near future (the process just keeps taking longer than I expect 🙂 ). So not everything will change, but enough to know we long for something more. Something everlasting and eternal. We long for Home!