Hello friends! It’s been nearly a year since I published anything. Today, I share my personal journey through a mysterious health crisis and the challenges of seeking medical help for it.
In this episode, I reflect on the impact of this experience on my life, work, and relationships, which has helped me realize the importance of understanding and empathy in the face of chronic health issues. Then I look at the interplay between physical health, emotional stability, and God’s grace during difficult times. Finally, I wanted to share the renewed vision God has given me for this work, focusing on being theologically anchored, emotionally healthy, able to love others well.
Episode Chapters
00:00 Introduction and Personal Update
02:59 Health Struggles and Mysterious Symptoms
05:51 The Impact of Illness on Daily Life
08:46 Seeking Medical Help and Testing
12:11 Navigating Uncertainty and Mental Health
15:00 Family and Community Support
17:54 Exploring Possible Diagnoses
20:52 The Neurologist’s Insights and Diagnosis
24:13 Reflections on Recovery and Ongoing Challenges
40:23 Navigating Health Challenges and Spiritual Insights
45:09 The Impact of Physical Health on Mental Well-being
51:42 Understanding God’s Grace in Suffering
56:24 Reflections on Blogging and Podcasting Journey
01:01:51 Reawakening Vision for Writing & Podcasting
You may also be interested in reading What I Learned about Wholeness in a Year of Uncertainty.
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