My New Book “Live Free” Is Finally Here

I can hardly believe it. My new book, Live Free, is out today! This launch commemorates a very important phase of life for me.

You see, ten years ago I was not a free man. I was bound by guilt and shame because of a frustrating battle with lust.

But God led me on a patient journey of getting to the root of lust. He allowed me to experience something deep and meaningful with him–something I am experiencing at deeper levels every year–so that I could find freedom and healing.

I wanted to others to be able to experience this same kind of healing, so I wrote a book about my journey of falling into sexual sin, finding freedom from it, and discovering what it means to live out my male sexuality as God designed.

We as men want to be able to look people in the eyes without having anything to hide. Even more, we want to fight for others. But there is this thing we have been given that keeps messing us up: sex. Or more specifically, our sexuality.

In Live Free, I share my story of wrestling with sexual sin and finding freedom as I discovered more of how God intends me to live out my sexuality as a man. This book is a conversation, really, about how I found freedom from lust and what it means to be a man.

Along with my own journey, I share a few stories of other friends and we look at

  • Why so many of us feel isolated in our struggle against lust
  • What drives us to be so attracted to pornography or masturbation
  • How we can find victory over the seemingly never-ending fight for purity
  • How our sexuality can be used for good, meaningful work and not just guilt-ridden pleasures
  • And how to find our purpose in life

Our male sexuality is a strength given to us by God for advancing beauty and goodness in the world. But somewhere along the line we settled into a form of sexuality perverted from God’s design, bringing with it pain and devastation.

The good news is, however, we don’t have to settle for the perverted. We can live free, having nothing to hide and able to fight for others.

One can begin his journey toward freedom however he wishes, but for those who buy in the next ten days I’m including some added bonuses to better help you begin that journey today:

  • Three worksheets to help you sort through your own story
  • 2 Free eBooks on accountability and sexual arousal
  • Access to intro videos for all 20 chapters
  • Both Kindle and Audio versions of the book so you can read through the book with ease

Together these bonuses are worth more than $100, and they’re free if you buy before November 10.

I said at the beginning that this launch commemorates an important phase of my life, but it does more than that. It begins another one, and it involves you.

I am confident that by the grace of God Live Free will help you find true freedom from lust, freedom from guilt, freedom from feeling less than a man because of sexual compromise and take you deeper in discovering the joy of living life with passion.

Will you join me on this journey?