In 21st century America, Christians frequently get labeled either “liberal” or “conservative.” Frankly, many find themselves exasperated by the term. What do they even mean?
Unlike 21st century usage, however, “liberal” and “conservative” have distinct origins dating back to the late 1800s. Although we no longer use these terms according to their original meanings, the original conflict between liberals and conservatives shaped much of the way Christians interact today.

Throughout this essay, we will explore what led to the conflict, the subsequent consequences of the responses, and how these responses have impacted the landscape of Christianity today.
Most 21st century readers probably think of “conservatives” as working hard to guard against the “onslaught” of liberalism. Moreover, many conservatives today use war-like language such as, “We must fight against the decay of American Christianity,” or “Their coming for your faith. Stand your ground and refuse to compromise with liberal theology.”

Why is there such a militant posture against liberalism? To understand this, we must first understand liberal theology.
The Rising Tide of Liberalism
Liberal Protestant theology emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries. Increasingly, liberal theologians desired to transform Christian thinking in light of the new, modern cultural context that had been recently shaped by the Enlightenment. Because of the advancement of science and higher education, it seemed as though Christian theology needed to become modern or die out as a public religion with universal appeal and influence.[1] As Bruce Shelley puts it in his book Church History in Plain Language, “Protestant liberalism engaged in a problem as old as Christianity itself: how do Christians make their faith meaningful in a new world of thought without distorting or destroying the gospel?”[2]
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