How to Make Clarity Real for You

Does life ever feel complicated to you?

Part of what can be confusing about our twenty to sixty to ninety years of experience on earth is that things are happening around us which are the result of something that took place long before we arrived on the scene.

The best way to understand those early events is by getting to know what God has shared with us through Scripture.

But, if we’re honest, Scripture can be hard for us to understand or to engage at times.

I think part of that is because we struggle to know how to read it or what our place is in God’s story.

In this video, I share about my online course, The Making Sense of Life Journey which walks through God’s grand narrative so we can make better sense of our own lives and know Jesus more.

You’d pay $2,500 to go to Bible school and learn the stuff you get in this course. Only, the course is less than a tenth of the cost.

Watch the video below (or click the link) to learn more about the course and how you can make clarity real for you.

I’d love to hear any thoughts, questions, or concerns you have. You can share in the comments below. Don’t worry, you’re probably not the only one thinking what you are. So let’s discuss it together.


And if you missed the free video series, you can watch them below:

Again, I’d love to hear any thoughts, questions, or concerns you have. You can share in the comments below.