A few months ago, I interviewed Ken Brubacher on Unfeigned Christianity where he told his story of discovering as a boy that he was sexually attracted to men, tried filling his longing for love through sex, and then discovered Jesus for the first time in a casual conversation with a coworker.

One of the key elements of Ken’s story was that he had gotten sexually involved with his father-in-law soon after getting married. Ken told me at the time that just as Jesus has done a tremendous work in his life, Jesus has also worked a miracle in his father-in-law. He suggested I interview him someday.
In the months since then, I’ve had some back and forth with Ken’s father-in-law, Ernie Weber, and he has willingly and joyfully shared his story with me. His joy does not come from his past, but from how Jesus has redeemed his life. Ernie’s desire is that his story can be “a message of hope for anybody struggling in sexual bondage or any bondage.”
He testifies that “God can lift you out of the depths of sin.”
Amen he can!
Ernie preferred to write-out his story instead of speaking on a podcast. So, today I wanted to share his story with you as encouragement and hope in how Jesus redeems a life of abuse.
You can read the PDF of Ernie’s story here.
One of the things I asked Ernie was, “What specifically you point to as the breaking point of all the bondage? Discovering God’s father heart of love for you and forgiving your dad? Or how would you say it?”
He responded by saying,
I can certainly say it was a journey. As we were going thru the book To Kill A Lion when I came to the part about father wounds the dam just broke and I cried and cried and was now finally starting to understand what was the driving force behind my sexual desires. And as I worked thru this I also understood that I can not blame my father for the choices I made. Understanding the true plan of salvation now made me realize that forgiving my father was the only way to receive forgiveness from my loving God. But praise the Lord for leading on this journey and redeeming me from bondage. Life is so worth living again.
Read Ernie’s story for yourself by clicking this link.
Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this testimony. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.
Are you someone who wants to be able to look people in the eyes without having anything to hide and to be able to fight for others? Yet, maybe you’re looking at porn or habitually masturbating. You feel guilt and as if you’re less of a man, but aren’t sure how to gain victory.If that’s you, I invite you to check out my brand new book, Live Free: Making Sense of Male Sexuality.