Looking for Help Overcoming Sex Addiction?

I’m thinking this morning about how frustrating the struggle in overcoming sex addiction can feel. Nothing is more discouraging when you desperately want to walk in freedom than continuously stumbling back into old ways.


As a young adult, I went over a year once without looking at pornography. I felt free. I talked as though I was free. But then, in a single day, I got back into it and ended up struggling for several weeks.

These experiences make one wonder if freedom is even possible. I’m grateful that I can tell you–twelve years later–IT IS!

But I also need to tell you that you can’t do it alone.

I wish I had learned that earlier on in my struggle. Having a mentor to walk with me and help me identify the things in my life that cause me to keep going back into sin–or simply having someone to talk to and pray with me as I journeyed–would have been incredibly helpful for me. I tried, but failed, to put all the puzzle pieces of figuring this sexual thing out on my own.

The reality is that we don’t often know the pieces we need and someone experienced with this sort of struggle can help us identify the missing pieces.

A few months ago, I interviewed Arthur Nisly about his work mentoring men struggling with unwanted sexual behavior. The long-term mentoring piece is crucial for ongoing freedom. However, sometimes we just need a good jump-start to get us going in the right direction.

Recently, he developed a simple, self-paced course designed to help men do just that. JumpStart Your Freedom helps you find authentic, lasting freedom from unwanted sexual behavior — right now!

Through the course, you learn,

  • How to talk about your struggles in spite of the shame you feel
  • Why you struggle to stop no matter how hard you try
  • How to identify triggers of unwanted sexual behavior
  • How to rewire your brain for victory instead of automatic failure
  • And much more!

Because he cares about helping men in desperate need today, Arthur has been gracious enough to extend a $50 discount for any of you from my email list that would like to take the course. Simply visit the page below and add the coupon code JUMPSTARTNOW at checkout to receive the discount.

This discount is only good for a couple of weeks, so be sure and register now even if you don’t think you’ll be able to get to it until later.

I had the privilege of reviewing this course for Arthur before he published it. I can vouch for the fact that, although this won’t take you the whole way, it truly will jump-start your journey into a whole new level of freedom.

If you’re looking for help overcoming sex addiction, here’s the place to start.

You don’t have to continue in the cycle of struggle. This course will help you identify key lies that are holding you hostage, provide tools for you to stop unwanted sexual behavior, and remind you of Truth about yourself as a person and a life of lasting, sexual freedom.

Click the button below to learn more.

Until next time, friends…

Grace and peace.

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