God Gave Us His Message by Telling Us a Story Through the Bible

Have you ever felt discouraged by how difficult it was to muster up interest in the Bible?

Maybe you would read your Bible regularly but struggle to get anything out of it. Perhaps what you read never made much sense to you or you struggled to know what to do with what you read.

If we’re not careful, we can approach the Bible as a sort of reference book and we face the kind of confusion one might deal with when they mistake a cookbook for a shopping list.

If you view a cookbook as a shopping list, you will (1) not understand what all the other instructions written in and around the list have to do with anything, (2) not get enough groceries for the week, and (3) not ever see the transformation intended for you. You’ll never have any baked goods.

While it’s possible to look things up in the Bible and receive some sort of guidance from it as a reference book, the Bible is not a reference book. It’s a story.

The Bible is the collection of writings that are organized in such a way to tell a story that communicates the whole message of the Gospel.

If you would like to learn more about how to hear what the Bible is saying and discover how you fit into its story, you’ll enjoy this free course I’m running over the next week. I’m excited to take this journey together and hope you find it helpful in making sense of life, God, and what He has in store for you.

Mentioned in the episode is our free mini series on discovering the story of scripture. To make sure you don’t miss it, sign up here.

And if you’d like to learn about our online course, Finding My Place in God’s Story, visit this page.

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If you’d like to contact Asher and those at Unfeigned Christianity, you can email podcast@asherwitmer.com.

Become a member and access expanded episodes at, www.asherwitmer.com/member.

Transitional music for this episode has been contributed by Corey Steiner at https://www.coreysteinermusic.wordpress.com. The opening song is Sunset Drive by Evert Z and the closing song is Thank God for You and Me by Chris Mason.

Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

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