Do you ever struggle to understand how the Bible is relevant to your life today?

Have you wondered what the point of Christianity is?
Does it sometimes feel as if the Christian faith is nothing more than an intellectual exercise, and that God is distant and unconcerned with your unique circumstances?
If this bugs you as much as it should, I’d like to help you get past that frustration, and take the right steps to finally get clarity and discover what God’s plan in all of this is.
The Making Sense of Life Journey is an online course that walks you through the divine narrative at play in this world.
Most of us get bored with scripture because we see it as a sort of “member’s handbook” and fail to realize it’s a story telling God’s plan and purpose for all of creation.
Furthermore, we feel confused about life because we’re trying to figure out why things are the way they are just from our perspective on it.
But there is a much larger story that’s been happening long before we showed up on the scene. And it continues long after we leave the scene.
The brutal truth is without understanding this story, we’re bound to continue feeling confused. Without looking at things from God’s perspective, he’ll only keep feeling distant and we’ll keep feeling stuck.
The Making Sense of Life Journey walks you through that story to better understand God’s perspective and helps you discover what role you play in his divine drama.
Because it’s such an intensive program, and we insist on walking with you every step of the way we only open registration a couple of times a year and this is your chance to join the next class.
If this piques your interest and you’d like to learn more, you can get all the details about the course and what it involves by visiting the course page here.
And if you’re tired of feeling disillusioned and ready to understand God’s message so you can get clear about your life, join me inside The Making Sense of Life Journey.
When you join The Making Sense of Life Journey, you join a tribe – a community.
You are not alone on this journey. Together we can move beyond disillusionment and boredom to living with purpose, passion, and clarity.
Here’s what some previous members have said:
Mary said a lot of things make sense that never did before.
Jared said as he hears of all the different painful experiences people have, he realizes how much this teaching is needed.
Matthew found the different assignments especially helpful, such as writing out desires he has and realizing how good and right they are.
Don’t be one of those people who stay stuck and miserable in their faith because the Bible feels too overwhelming and irrelevant.
The people who find clarity in life and lasting purpose realize that while they certainly have a unique journey they are taking, it exists within a much larger story than themselves. For them, moving beyond confusion to living with clarity and passion means getting to know the greater story and where they fit in it all.
Let me help you on this journey.
CLICK HERE to learn more about The Making Sense of Life Journey today.
P.S. Enrollment for The Making Sense of Life Journey won’t be open for very long. If you’ve struggled to make sense of what God is up to in the world and you’d like to understand his message further, I invite you to join the course today. When you do, you gain access to several bonuses as well! One of these bonuses is a free live Skype call with myself and a few others to respond to any of your specific questions. Visit the page below to secure your spot in the course: