FREE VIDEO SERIES: You Can Live Free from Lust

Have you ever wondered if there’s any hope to finding freedom from lust? Ever wondered what causes you to be so attracted to porn or why you struggle to control your sexual desires?

We as men long to be able to look people in the eyes without having anything to hide…

We long to be men who can fight for others, men who can add value to the world around us…

But most of us are haunted by guilt from the ways we have compromised sexually. We feel less than real men and down-right frustrated because we know this isn’t how God designed us to live.

Sometimes the toughest part of making sense of sexuality is knowing where to start. Yesterday, I released part 1 of a 3-part video series on making sense of male sexuality. Through this series, you will..

  1. Find the path to freedom from lust, masturbation, and pornography.
  2. Discover what causes you to be attracted to pornography and how to find transformational healing from the inside out.
  3. Get answers to your most pressing questions about healthy sexuality.
  4. Be able to make freedom last by receiving tools you need to begin processing your own story today.

You can live free from lust and make a difference in the world around you. You don’t have to go on struggling with habitual sin.

Join me in this journey of discovering what it means to live out our male sexuality as God designed. Video one is live and you can watch it right now: The Path to Freedom.

If you long for true freedom, if you want to be able to look yourself in the mirror and not feel ashamed of what you do or have done behind closed doors, don’t miss this series.

And if you feel like it, grab a friend and watch it together. A life of freedom includes taking the journey with others…