Live Free: making sense of male sexuality

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Discover what drives you to lust and how you can live truly free


The Path to Freedom


The Cause of Bondage


An Answer for Masturbation

Now Available

Taking It All Home

Sign up to Get Access to the Training and Receive a Free Personalized Guide to Finding Sexual Healing [bonus].

Sometimes the toughest part of making sense of sexuality is knowing where to start. This training and free guide gives you the tools you need to start your journey to living free from lust.

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Help others find freedom as well:

Find the path to freedom from lust, masturbation, and pornography.

Get answers to your most pressing questions about healthy sexuality.

Discover what causes you to be attracted to porn and how to find transformational healing from the inside out. 

Make freedom last by receiving tools you need to begin processing your own story today. 

Asher is a young brother who does a delightful job of honestly and transparently chronicling his journey to a deeper understanding of the strong gift the Father gives to us as men ~ our sexuality! Though often seen by many of us as curse rather than gift, as shackles rather than wings, Asher helps us to see the blessing and freedom of finding victory in God’s design.

Don Showalter

Hearts Alive! Ministries

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© 2018 Asher Witmer.