A Guided Journey in Connection and Clarity
Finding My Place in God's Story walks you through a 5-part process for understanding scripture and discovering your life's purpose.
A Guided Journey
in Connection and Clarity
Finding My Place in God's Story walks you through a 5-part process for understanding scripture and discovering your life's purpose.
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1. Watch the Courses
2. Apply the Process
3. Connect with God and Your Purpose
1. Watch the Courses
2. Apply the Process
3. Connect with God and Your Purpose
Struggling to Connect with God Creates Uncertainty about Your Identity and Purpose
Unless you see God's story as a whole and how you fit into it...
- Scripture seems boring and irrelevant
- Christianity feels like a chore full of empty ritual
- Life lacks a deep sense of meaning
And that leads to guilt or discouragement. We don't want that for you. Finding My Place in God's Story has provided both connection and clarity for dozens of folks. This process will help you too.
How Does the Five-Part Process Work?
As we better understand the story of scripture, we better see how our own stories are a part of God's work.
Part 1 - How Do I Read the Bible?
We miss the overarching story of scripture when we misunderstand how to read it as it was intended to be read.
Part 2 - How Do I Know What the Bible Means?
Understanding what the Bible means involves investigating the historical, cultural, and literary context of a given passage.
Part 3 - What Is the Gospel?
Did you know the Bible does not frame the Gospel in a heaven-and-hell paradigm like many of us do today?
Part 4 - What Is the Story of the Bible?
Here's where we put everything together and walk through God's story as a whole.
Part 5 - How Does God's Story Relate to Life Today?
Did you know Jesus uses your past to continue his work of restoration in the present?
As you learn to read the Bible as story and see the beautiful work God is doing, you will more easily see his fingerprints on your life. Not only will scripture come alive -- you will begin to connect with God more deeply and discover your purpose more clearly.
How does the Finding My Place in God's Story course guide you in connection and clarity? Watch now to learn about each module.
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Limited-time offer! One-Time Payment, Lifetime Access
Your Journey in Connection and Clarity
Join Finding My Place in God's Story
Select your option below to get started. Remember, when you purchase the whole course, you get lifetime access to all five modules, the Finding My Place in God's Story Journal, and all kinds of bonus material.
Apply the Process
The 5-part process guides you on a journey of better understanding scripture and discovering how God has gifted you to participate in his restoring work.
Connect with God and Your Purpose
As you see how God is using your story to further tell his, you experience deeper connection with him and a greater sense of clarity about your life's purpose.
I thought of the Bible as a book of God’s principles and laws, especially the Old Testament. And I thought of the Old Testament as history that is so different from our current lives that I had a hard time applying the principles to my life. You helped me see it as one long continuous story relevant to my life today.
Most Christians Want More in Their Experience with God
They know reading scripture properly is important and they know their lives are made for God and not themselves.
But it feels overwhelming to get everything just right. They struggle to really get into God's Word and they don't see much connection between their everyday life and God's overarching story.
Finding My Place in God's Story exists to remove the overwhelm you feel by guiding you through a simple process for reading the Bible well and finding clarity about your life. We want you to have meaningful connection with God and deep clarity about your purpose regardless of how educated you are or what your current schedule is. That's why this five-part process is easy to implement, proven to help, and focuses on what's most important for you to focus on right now.
When you join Finding My Place in God's Story, you'll dive right into learning how to read the Bible as story. You'll quickly discover the ways in which you already read scripture well and the ways in which you might not be reading it as the authors intended it to be read.
From there, we'll walk through the biblical story as you simultaneously rehearse your own. Imagine how good it will feel to see how God's story isn't just something you read about, but something you help to write even today.
No more boring devotions. No more overwhelm. Instead, you experience deep connection with God and sharper clarity about your life's purpose.
It Shouldn't Have to Take a College Degree
You shouldn't have to spend months or even years in college to experience this kind of connection and clarity. A resource like this should be affordable and accessible to the everyday person.
Although unaccredited, the content of this course roughly equals a 3-credit college course. Most colleges today charge $275 per credit. That would make this course $825.
Straighterline online classes charge a minimum of $79 per course PLUS a $99 monthly access fee. The cost could range from $178 to $1,267 depending on how long it took you to complete.
We used to charge $35 a month to maintain access to Finding My Place in God's Story.
That meant $420 a year.
But we're not charging this much...
A Flat, One-Time Fee Gives You Lifetime Access
Module 1
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Complete Course + Personal Mentorship
Want personalized mentorship as you progress through the course? This one's for you!
Module 1
Not ready to purchase the whole course? Give it a try with just the first module.
Complete Course
A one-time fee gives you the following:
Complete Course + Personal Mentorship
Want personalized mentorship as you progress through the course? This one's for you!
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