Everyday Justice: a Patreon Review

In this review of Julie Clawson’s book, Everyday Justice, I briefly describe the content, give a few pros and cons of the book, and share how I am personally applying what I learned from it.

If you’ve read the book yourself, I’d love to hear your feedback. And if you haven’t read it, you can check it out on Amazon, here.

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We also have a monthly “Cultural Analysis” where we take a deep dive into a cultural phenomenon of our day and help us think Christianly about it. An example of this is “Has the Religious Right Helped or Hindered the Advancement of Christian Values in America?”

Last, but not least, we provide a review of a resource we find profoundly helpful concerning the topic of the “Cultural Analysis,” such as Jemar Tisby’s book, The Color of Compromise. The goal is to think practically about current issues of our day and discover how God would have us respond in light of His Word.

Not only is this membership program designed to help bring you clarity in your chaos, but it’s also designed to equip you to then help others find clarity in their chaos. Inside, you will find stories and lessons of those who have come before you. I hope that through them you’ll be challenged to follow in their footsteps.

I also hope you will be emboldened to enter risky conversations, putting in the work of thinking Christianly about real, everyday issues in order to better understand God’s work of redemption and how exactly you fit into it all.

To get you started, I’ve provided a free guide for navigating through the crazy events of this life.


Click here to download your free copy of 9 Questions Christians Need to Ask When Current Events Make Life Feel Crazy

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