Episode #004: Exploring the Political Implications of a Jesus-Centered Theology

After rambling awhile about life and what’s been keeping us busy and sleepless, I introduce today, and share with you, the first episode of another podcast I’ve been privileged to be a part of this fall: The Third Way Podcast.

On this podcast we explore the political implications of a Jesus-centered theology. My brother, Christopher Witmer, started the podcast with a few friends. It’s been fun!

There are six episodes already released on The Third Way. You can check it out further at www.thethirdwaypodcast.com.

Music on the podcast is done by The Brilliance, using their song “Brother.”

Also, I spoke of the course that I have open at the moment, which you can find at www.asherwitmer.com/the-making-sense-of-life-journey/.

If you’d like to support this podcast, visit: www.patreon.com/asherwitmer.

Be sure and subscribe so you don’t miss any future episodes.

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The music on the Third Way Podcast is “Brother” by The Brilliance.

If you liked the episode and look forward to more, be sure and share it with your friends on Facebook or Twitter. Also, go ahead rate the podcast and leave a review (on iTunes). It helps us get the message out there further.

Thanks so much! And until next time, I’d love to hear your feedback on this episode. You can share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.