Dear Church, Please Don’t Deflect Responsibility for Racial Justice

I hope we don’t make the mistake of thinking that because the oppressed responded by rioting we as the church don’t need to be active in speaking up and fighting for racial justice.

Picture of protestors in Minneapolis, Minnesota, via National Post.

If there were Christians protesting with violence, then I suppose we should have a conversation about the method in which Jesus responds to evil.

But we should expect violence to be responded with violence when it comes to men and women who are not willingly conforming into the image of Jesus—the one who shows us how to accurately bear again God’s image. Jesus taught us to expect this (Matt. 26:52).

We should also expect that there will be plenty of people willing to pontificate about how things should be done differently and what could be better without actually doing anything differently or truly better. Jesus spoke of that, too (Matt. 15:7-9, 22:18-21).

So how should we, as disciples of Jesus who at least say we want to be conformed into His image—how should we respond to evil?

How did Jesus respond to evil?

Well… He grieved (Matt. 18:7).

He also called out the hypocrites, the ones who should have known better (Matt. 23:13-15).

He gave His life advocating for the outcast and oppressed (Luke 4:17), showing humanity the kind of worship God longs to see from His people (Isaiah 58).

He absorbed violence in order to make it possible for justice and peace to be restored (Luke 23:26-38).

Jesus’ response to evil both encompassed and cost His very life.

He was so broken over and vocal about the corruption of this world–and He was so active in restoring it–that it led Him to the cross.

How are you responding? With violence? With pontification?

And where is your response leading you? To be angry with the media? To be self-protective?

If the truly restorative response to evil led Jesus to His cross, the Christian response to the violence and injustice in our nation today may very well lead you and I to ours.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

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