How Can Christians Disagree in Love on Social Media? (Seth Richey)

It’s no secret that discussions on social media can be extremely volatile and toxic. What’s really sad is when even Christians get caught up in arguments and attacks. 

I’m honored to have a new friend on the pod who has modeled to me what it looks like to disagree while still showing respect and love. Seth Richey doesn’t always agree with everything I say. He has challenged me and added good counter perspective, but he always does it in love.

I want to be more like Seth.

We spend 30 minutes discussing how to know which conversations to enter on social media, which is available for members of Unfeigned Christianity. If you’d like to become a member and access all our content, visit

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If you would like to peruse a rough transcript of this episode, you may do so here.

Transitional music for this episode has been contributed by Corey Steiner at The opening song is Sunset Drive by Evert Z and the closing song is Thank God for You and Me by Chris Mason.

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