Men who live free have nothing to hide and can lead their families and community with confidence and integrity.
Spiritual Formation
Articles that address the process of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and for the sake of others (II Corinthians 3:17-18).
Men Who Have Things to Hide Can’t Lead Their Families or Communities Well
The problem goes much deeper then the choice to view porn. We’re dealing with something that touches the core of men.
[Free eBook] 6 Avoidable Reasons Accountability Groups Fail Men (and what to do about them)
Let’s make accountability groups more effective. This free ebook helps you create a setting where men feel safe to open up and share vulnerably about what they’re going through and find lasting freedom from porn.
The Bible Is Not about You – It’s about God and His Partnership with Humanity
The Bible is about God—who he is, what he has done, and what he is doing. It’s about the Messiah: the God who became human.
What Does Asher Actually Believe about Gender?? (Responding to Questions)
A few people responded with some questions about gender that I thought were worth responding to in a specific episode. So that’s what we dive into today.
Jesus Sees Himself as Embedded within a Large Story
Why is it important to understand that the Old and New Testaments are not separate messages but one continuous message climaxing in Jesus? We get into that and more in this week’s episode on Unfeigned Christianity.
Is It Sinful to Use “Transgender Pronouns”?
Rosaria Butterfield has recently “repented” from using what she calls, “transgender pronouns.” Why is she doing that? Should you feel the same way?
The Bible Is a Collection of Writings by Various Authors
Today, we dive into the second paradigm shift that helps us better understand the story of the Bible: it’s made up of many pieces of writings written by many different authors.
Yes, You Are Prejudiced.
Christians need to stop being offended by the idea that they could be prejudiced. Everyone is prejudiced, and we discover this dark side of humanity in scripture.
The Bible Is a Story: Everything That Does & Doesn’t Mean
What does it mean that the Bible is a story. Does the fact that the Bible is a story mean we don’t have follow any of its rules?
God Gave Us His Word Through Story – A Paradigm Shift
To kick things off in 2024, I’m going to be sharing a series of episodes with you that addresses how we ought to interact with scripture. It’ll be a paradigm shift for many of us: the Bible is a story, not a reference book.
End of Year Reflections + My Five Favorite Reads
As an end of year roundup, I discuss the interviews I did in 2023 that were highlights to me plus share my top 5 reads of the year.