And the winner of the giveaway is……..


Well folks, it sure has been fun running a giveaway! I decided from now on, that’s all I’m blogging about. I got more comments than I ever have before. 😮

So, maybe I’m just messing with you. BUT, there is one special person who won’t have to fork out $10.15 to read Luci Miller’s Anything But Simple this fall. And that person is….. *drum roll please*…… 

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Anything But Simple


Plainspoken is a project focused on giving “plain people” (Amish, Hutterite, Mennonite) their own voice. Many novels have been written about “plain people”—Amish love tales, to be specific. But few of them actually depict the reality of life for those who come from “plain” backgrounds. Luci’s book is a personal memoir of her life as a Mennonite. So, upon her request, following is my review of Anything But Simple.

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How I Keep My Sanity While Staring at the Road Every Day


We’ve been doing a lot of driving lately, and I’ve been listening to quite a few podcasts. I don’t know if you get into podcasts much, but I love listening to them. When I’m not driving through three States in one day, I listen to them while washing dishes, sorting email, cleaning my office, mowing lawn, or picking the lint out of between families toes. Actually, I don’t do that last one. But if I did, I’d listen to a podcast while doing it.

It may or may not surprise you what all I listen to. I like learning about business, marketing, writing, theology, productivity, faith, mystery and missions. This list resembles a smattering of each, and certainly aren’t listed in any particular order. Here are some of my favorites:

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7 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Christian Men And Porn


Ever wonder how serious an issue porn addiction really is in the church?

When I was thirteen years old I made one of the worst decisions of my life: I chose to Google pornography to see what it was. I was curious. I had been told vaguely what it meant, but I wondered what it actually looked like. I wish I would have left it unknown, but I didn’t. As a result, I spent the rest of my teen years struggling with porn addiction.

I praise God for giving me victory over porn and lust, but am grieved by how many men struggle just as I did. Porn addiction is a growing phenomenon with the advent of digital media and it doesn’t seem to make a difference regardless of whether or not you’re Christian.

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10 Blogs Worth Following (and why you should)


I’ve been writing on this blog for nearly three years and it’s awesome to see how God is using it to help others sort through tough questions they face so they can live more vibrant lives of love. My desire is to serve you as readers. To provide a platform for discussion as well as direction for where to go from here.

Part of serving you and giving direction includes spilling the beans on other blogs I believe you could deeply benefit from. If you enjoy following this blog, I’m going to share with you ten other blogs also worth following. This wasn’t preplanned with any of the authors–there’s no promotional strategy behind it. I simply want to let you in on valuable voices and excellent writing.

I’m excited to see more and more people take writing and communication seriously enough to start and intentionally maintain a blog because I deeply believe in the power of communication to influence the direction of generations, and blogging is one small, simple step we can take in communicating and influencing for Christ.

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10 Books That Helped Me Better Understand Marriage

Before I got married, I read as much as I could about marriage and relationships. That’s typical of how we humans do life, isn’t it? Get it all figured out beforehand so nothing surprises us and we can maintain control.

After I got married, however, I discovered some parts of marriage were drastically different than I had imagined as I read books about it. I think it’s awesome to be “ahead of the game” in learning about marriage before we’re faced with the in-moment difficulties of communicating and relating. Yet, I think it’s helpful to take it all in smaller bites. We don’t have to read them all before marriage.

In this post, I’ve made a list of the top ten books I’ve read so far that I believe are must-reads for every young couple. I’ve also listed my suggested time when you should read them. Following my timelines and reading each book in the order I have laid out here in this post will guarantee you a successful and happy marriage for at least forty-two years. (Okay, maybe I’m joking.)

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If You’re Tired of American Christianity, You Don’t Want to Miss This

friends walking

You’re tired of Christianity just being about going to church and paying your tithe. You’re frustrated with Christian leaders telling their people to “take up their guns,” when Christ calls us to a life of love and service.

You want to change that. You want to see Christ actually lived out in the church. You want to live a meaningful life for Him, but there is a problem: you feel lost as to how to bring about such change.

In America, Christianity runs so deep within our heritage that, anymore, most Christian people use “Christianity” as they would their nationality, yet many people don’t know what it actually means to be a “little Christ,” much less how to be one.

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Love, Hate, and the Sacred Marriage

Marriage is intense! The overpowering sensations of finally marrying the lady you love is enough to make the most pragmatic guy lose his balance. But why don’t those feelings last forever? What causes the thrill of it all fade within a few months?

Yesterday, my wife and I celebrated our second anniversary. That’s not a long time, but there are days it feels like a miracle that we made it this far.

I remember within a few weeks after our wedding—after I ambitiously committed to gently loving my wife forever—getting so frustrated with her. It surprised me. Sure, I knew we’d bump into differences at some point, but what shocked me most was how soon I had evil thoughts about her.

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