Today, I share my personal journey through a mysterious health crisis and the challenges of seeking medical help for it.
Articles addressing off-topic, miscellaneous items, such as updating my readers on things in my life, personally, as the author or things in relation to the blog, or other similar type articles
Unfeigned Christianity Update: Where I’ve Been and Where We’re Going
What would you like to see from this channel going forward?
Please Take My 2021 Reader Survey
If you have 5 minutes or so to spare, would you please fill out the following survey. Don’t worry — it’s completely anonymous.
Want to Help Give Inner-city Families the Education They Deserve?
Don’t sit passively by pointing fingers at the problem in America. Become a part of the solution by donating today and helping to give inner-city families the education they deserve.
A Peek into Our Life and Work in LA
Every one of us is presented with daily opportunities to take someone by the hand and introduce them to their Maker and His design for life. This is a peek into how we do that in LA.
Here’s How to Get a Free Copy of My New Book
I’m also confident we can’t launch this book successfully without you. That’s why we are actively recruiting a Live Free Launch Team to help us spread the news. If you’d like a chance to join, read this post.
Three Sons and Heading Back to School
Caedmon Nishan entered this world with a bang! Came at 3:51am, 7 pounds and 9 ounces in his 21 inch stature. Labor lasted about four hours, Teresa breezed right through it. She’s a trooper!
Adjustments, God, and Life in the City
I rarely talk on this blog about our personal life, and there are various reasons for that. But I do think it’s good for you all, as readers, to get a look behinds the scenes, every now and then.
We recently sent out our latest family update to close friends and prayer supporters and I thought I’d share it with you all as an inside look at our family’s life. Follow this link to see the email.
RESULTS ARE IN: My 2017 Reader Survey Feedback
A month ago I launched my 2017 reader survey, and now the results are in. I’ve compiled some general graphs to give you a look into the average reader of this blog. The survey consisted of 37 questions; I’m showing results for 23 of them, here. 658 respondents took part in the survey. 71% of those completed each question, and it took them an average of 7 minutes to fill out the whole survey.
Without further ado, here are the results to my 2017 reader survey.
And the winner of the giveaway is……..
Well folks, it sure has been fun running a giveaway! I decided from now on, that’s all I’m blogging about. I got more comments than I ever have before. 😮
So, maybe I’m just messing with you. BUT, there is one special person who won’t have to fork out $10.15 to read Luci Miller’s Anything But Simple this fall. And that person is….. *drum roll please*……
How I Keep My Sanity While Staring at the Road Every Day
We’ve been doing a lot of driving lately, and I’ve been listening to quite a few podcasts. I don’t know if you get into podcasts much, but I love listening to them. When I’m not driving through three States in one day, I listen to them while washing dishes, sorting email, cleaning my office, mowing lawn, or picking the lint out of between families toes. Actually, I don’t do that last one. But if I did, I’d listen to a podcast while doing it.
It may or may not surprise you what all I listen to. I like learning about business, marketing, writing, theology, productivity, faith, mystery and missions. This list resembles a smattering of each, and certainly aren’t listed in any particular order. Here are some of my favorites:
Still, My Soul Be Still
We are in the middle of moving from Chiang Mai to Los Angeles via New York City. We landed at JFK on June 1st, and hit the westward road June 17. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with friends and family and seeing the great landscapes of the United States.
Unfortunately, while visiting my grandparents in northern Illinois, we got word that Teresa’s cousin, Sheldon Bacher, was killed in a car accident. We had just seen him a couple days before! Sudden, tragic deaths like this jerk the heart so deeply–it’s numbing. Words can’t sympathize… this isn’t how life is supposed to be! We turned around and headed for South Carolina to grieve with the family and share in their loss. As I drove, today, a song that became meaningful to me over the time of my Mom’s death kept running through my mind, so I thought I’d share it here.
“God, you are our God! And we will trust in You and not be shaken.”